Chelmstone has a wide range of tactile (TGSI) paving solutions and is a trusted supplier to councils and infrastructure projects around Australia.
Chelmstone’s cautional/warning and directional integrated concrete tactile pavers are fibre reinforced, ensuring strength and durability for any commercial or infrastructure project. Chelmstone's tactile pavers are available in a range of colours and sizes.
Widely used by local council & transport bodies, our integrated cautional and directional TGSI (Tactile Ground Surface Indicator) pavers are robust and hard wearing.
Our durable concrete tactiles have a compressive strength of over 48 mpa. Made from wet-cast high strength concrete mix, they are non-slip as tested to Australian and New Zealand standards. Our Voodoo tactiles are the preferred tactile pavers of the Brisbane City Council. We use CCS oxides in all of our TGSI as they are UV resistant and of superior quality. Chelmstone tactile pavers can be manufactured in any CCS colour. See our standard colours below.
Chelmstone has supplied tactile pavers to some of Australia's largest infrastructure projects, including;
Queensland Rail Station Upgrades, QLD
Canberra Metro Light Rail, ACT
Brisbane's Cross River Rail Development, QLD
Newcastle Light Rail, NSW
- Brisbane RNA Showgrounds Project, QLD
- Arcadia Walk, Noosa Junction, QLD
- Legacy Way, Brisbane, QLD
Canberra Metro Rail utilised Chelmstone's 300 x 300 x 40mm snow cautional tactile pavers, creating a great contrast to the surrounding platform edge.
Queensland Rail utilise a range of Chelmstone's Tactile Pavers, particularly the 300 x 300 x 60mm Corn Cautional Tactile Pavers, as seen above, supplied during Queensland Rail's station upgrade program.
Cautional Voodoo Tactile - 300 x 300 x 40mm
Directional Voodoo Tactile - 300 x 300 x 40mm
One of Chelmstone's most popular tactile pavers is the 300 x 300 x 40mm Cautional and Directional TGSI in our Voodoo colour. This is due to the ease in which the colour complies with luminance standards against surrounding areas. The product is a Brisbane City Council preferred product.
Utilising patented Fibre Reinforcing Technology, Chelmstone's tactile paving offers increased resistance to failure from impact and overloading, increasing their long-term performance and significantly reducing maintenance. Precast concrete pavers are generally used outdoors for new projects. If it's likely that vehicular traffic will be in contact with the tactiles, high strength precast concrete pavers are a robust solution.
Warning or Cautional Tactile Indicators, notify those with a visual impairment of a nearby hazard such as stairs or the edge of a train platform.
300 x 300 x 40mm
300 x 300 x 50mm
300 x 300 x 60mm
400 x 400 x 40mm
400 x 400 x 80mm
600 x 600 x 60mm
Chelmstone's 300 x 100 x 40mm Tactiles are designed to act as a railway platform safety line in bright yellow. A backing tactile of 300 x 500 x 40mm ensures they meet Australian standards for width on railway platforms.
300 x 100 x 40mm
300 x 500 x 40mm
Directional Tactile Indicators, guide those with visual impairment along a pre-defined, obstacle-free route.
300 x 300 x 40mm
300 x 300 x 50mm
300 x 300 x 60mm
400 x 400 x 40mm
400 x 400 x 80mm
300 x 600 x 60mm
A tactile's colour choice is vitally important to ensure it's in compliance with AS/NZS 1428.4.1:2009 luminance contrast requirements. Luminance contrast of TGSIs is the difference in the amount of light reflected from the TGSIs compared to the amount of light reflected from the background or adjacent path of travel, commonly referred to as luminance reflective value (LRV). Where the TGSI is an integrated unit, it requires a minimum luminance contrast of 30% compared to the amount of light reflected from the surface of the adjacent path of travel. Each colour has its own specific wet and dry luminance value. To calculate whether two areas have a sufficient 30% contrast enter in the values into the below luminance calculator.
Wet LRV - 4.0
Dry LRV - 8.0
Wet LRV - 40.3
Dry LRV - 62.0
Wet LRV - 33.4
Dry LRV - 46.8
Wet LRV - 42.0
Dry LRV - 46.0
Wet LRV - 24.5
Dry LRV - 33.0
Wet LRV - 50.1
Dry LRV - 77.1
Wet LRV - 7.7
Dry LRV - 12.0
This Calculator uses the open-source Bowman-Sapolinski Equation as stipulated in AS/NZS 1428.4.1:2009
Enter your lowest wet or dry luminance reflective value (LRV) first into the luminance calculator, followed by your corresponding higher wet or dry luminance reflective value (LRV) next.
If the luminance contrast achieved is great than 30%, the colours are suitably integrated and contrast minimums have been achieved.
Chelmstone has supplied tactiles to major Australian infrastructure projects including the likes of Cross River Rail (Brisbane), Canberra Metro, Newcastle Light Rail, Brisbane RNA Showgrounds, Arcadia Walk (Noosa Junction), Queensland Rail Station Upgrades & more.
Technically advanced high strength wet cast concrete mix
High density mix design, as tested to AS/NZS 4456.4/5 1997
All dimensions are accurate to +/-3mm as tested to AS/NZS 4455 1997
High durability and stain resistence, as tested to AS/NZS 4456.14 1997
Non-slip surface, as tested to AS/NZS 3661.1 1997 "V" rating
Compression strength of 48 MPa
Anti-Efflorescence incorporated into mix design
Salt safe, as tested to AS/NZS 4456.10 1997
Excellent abrassion, as tested to AS/NZS 4456.9 1997
Below are Chelmstone's architectural specification codes for our range of size and colour tactiles.
Cautional or Warning tactiles (TGSIs) indicate to those with a visual impairements of an approaching hazard. Cautional TGSIs provide a ‘message’ to pause and consider a change in direction. Some common areas which require the installation of cautional tactiles include:
Edge of carriageways
Railways Platforms
Bust and Tram stops
Overhead hazards
Figiure 1.1
Directional tactiles (TGSIs) give people with visual impairments directional orientation in open spaces where there are insufficient cues such as handrails or walls. Directional tactiles designate the route to be taken to avoid a hazard. Some common areas which require the installation of directional tactiles include:
A mid-block kerb ramp or street crossing
Public transport access point
Point of entry to a significant public facility